Organisations/Bodies that Support Rights

Victorian Commission for Children and Young People

Principal Commissioner: Liana Buchanan
Aboriginal Commissioner: Meena Singh
The Commission promotes improvement in policies and practices that affect the safety and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people.
Call 1300 782 978 9.30–11.30am and 2–4pm, M–F
Email – [email protected]
Postal address – Level 18, 570 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission is an independent organisation that protects human rights, promotes fair treatment for all Victorians, and advocates for a diverse and inclusive state. Direct support is also available for First Nationals peoples. Victorian Human Rights Commissioner: Ro Allen

Call 1300 292 153

Provide information about equal opportunity and human rights
Provide education and consultancy to create fairer organisations
Help resolve complaints
Carry out research and investigations to address systemic discrimination
Advocate for stronger laws, and monitor and enforce existing legislation

Email – [email protected]
Address: Level 3, 204 Lygon Street Carlton Victoria 3053

Victorian Multicultural Commission

The VMC engages with multicultural and multifaith groups to understand the issues they face and works to identify and recommend potential solutions to government, policymakers and community organisations to make public services more inclusive and accessible. Victorian Multicultural Commissioner: Vivienne Nguyen

Call (03) 9651 5901

Run regional advisory councils
Make submissions to government
Produce roundtable and research reports

Email – [email protected]
Postal address – GPO Box 4698, Melbourne VIC 3001

The United Nations

The United Nations is an international organisation founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.

United Nations Human Rights - Office of the High Commissioner

Volker Türk of Austria is the current High Commissioner for Human Rights.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child in November 1989. The Convention came into force on 2 September 1990.

International Play Association

IPA is an international non-governmental organisation founded in 1961. It provides a forum for exchange and action across disciplines and across sectors. IPA’s purpose is to protect, preserve and promote the child’s right to play as a fundamental human right.

Email – [email protected]

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