Author: grandparentsvictoria17

Let Us Learn report by Vic CCYP on education of children in OOHC

Let Us Learn report

A systematic enquiry into the educational experience of children and young people in out of home care conducted by the Vic. Commissioner for Children and Young People

The latest, and arguably one of the most important, reports released by the Victorian Commissioner for Children and Young People was tabled in parliament this morning 16/11/23. It addresses the education of children and young people in care.

The investigation exposes some shameful data and shares some disturbing stories offered by children and young people. Listen to the children’s accounts of their experiences and then, as a Victorian citizen, worry!  Worry about the way we are inequitably educating Victoria’s most precious resource – all of it’s children and young people.

Some recommendations are both critical and urgent: such as:

Recommendation 7: Increase carer payments

That the Victorian Government increase the care allowance payments for kinship and foster carers.

Recommendation 8: Ensure equitable financial support for kinship and foster carers

That DFFH strengthen the care allowance assessment and payment process to ensure assessments are conducted thoroughly and in a timely way, and that equitable financial support is provided to kinship and foster carers.

Recommendation 9: Remove voluntary contributions and other education expenses for carers

That DE ensure that carers of students in out-of-home care are not requested to pay voluntary financial contributions and education-related expenses, including camps and excursions.

Recommendation 10: Provide carers with information and assistance to access flexible education-related funding

That DFFH:

  • ensure all carers and the children and young people in their care, particularly those in kinship care and in residential care settings, are provided with information about flexible funding available to cover education and extra-curricular activities
  • further streamline the process for seeking this funding.

Recommendation 11: Provide all students in out-of-home care with a free Victorian Student Travel Pass

That the Victorian Government provide all student aged children and young people in out-of-home care with a Victorian Student Travel Pass free of charge.

Shame! Grandparents condemn Australian Attorneys General for refusing to raise the age of criminal responsibility

At a meeting of the Council of Attorneys General in Australia held on July 27th 2020, a decision was taken not to increase the age of criminal responsibility in Australia – it currently sits at 10 years of age.

Continue reading “Shame! Grandparents condemn Australian Attorneys General for refusing to raise the age of criminal responsibility”

GPV/KCV call for Child Impact Statements

GPV/KCV scrutinises law, policy and practice, asking: what is best for all children and what effect will the decisions we take today have on their futures?

GPV/KCV recognises that guidelines exist for the creation and use of Family Impact Statements (FIS) when putting proposals to local federal or state government councils or cabinets but is disappointed in the underutilisation of these statements and their lack of public visibility.

Continue reading “GPV/KCV call for Child Impact Statements”

Same-sex marriage

The Board of Grandparents Victoria and Kinship Carers Victoria believes that families are made up of many complex relationships and that the role of grandparents in keeping these relationships healthy is crucial, involving acceptance of the diversity amongst us all.

The Board supports the right of same-sex couples to make their own decisions about whether or not they marry.  The Board urges the Australian Parliament to make it possible through changes to legislation for this right to be enabled.

The Board supports the stance taken by Australian Human Rights Commission which considers that the fundamental human rights principle of equality means that civil marriage should be available, without discrimination, to all couples, regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity.

Further, the Board believes that too many precious public funds have been expended on this debate, that no more should be wasted and that the Australian Government should lead the way to resolve this matter quickly.

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