Author: grandparentsvictoria17

The 24th GPV/KCV Board is in place

The Board includes kinship carers and grandparents who are not raising children 24/7. This ensures that decisions made and priorities set are considered from the point of view of the needs of all children, bearing in mind that kinship carers have views about child welfare far beyond those shaped by their role as carers.

The 24th GPV/KCV Board membership

Two new members have joined the Board (*below). Its members are:

  • Helen Brown, urban grandparent member (Chair)
  • Carole Cheng, urban grandparent member (Deputy Chair)
  • Helen Corcoran, urban grandparent member
  • Kerry Doquile, urban grandparent member
  • Jennifer Sullivan, urban kinship carer member
  • Sandy Harbison, rural grandparent member
  • Michelle Max*, urban kinship carer member
  • Angela Hogan, rural grandparent member
  • Eileen McAdam*, urban kinship care member
  • Adine Neill, urban kinship care member
  • Bruce Murchie, urban kinship carer
  • Jenny Cheshire, urban kinship carer

The terms of service of Board members vary, with some being founding members whilst others joined it recently. The following chart indicates the terms of service of current Board members.

The 24th Board in profile

The Board’s shared expertise in raising and supporting families is considerable and influences decisions made about the work of GPV/KCV. Consider the shared contribution of Board members to family matters, they:

  • have been active parents for 530 years. In that time, they have raised 28 children and supported 63 grandchildren as well as 8 great grandchildren and
  • in addition, 6 members are raising twelve children in out of home care and have been doing so for a total of 56 years.

The 24th Board’s aspirations for children

Board members shared their aspirations for children, stating that all children in Australia must have access to a high-quality education, grow up with a sense of belonging to family and community, are raised in a safe environment without undue influence of social media, have their health protected, be given opportunities for long term positive pathways in life and to be recognised as individuals whose rights and aspirations need to be fulfilled.

A new video from GPV/KCV on positive discipline

GPV/KCV is pleased to launch its video on positive discipline.

It is a feature in the GPV/KCV campaign to ensure that physical punishment of children is made illegal across Australia.

The video is a reminder that positive discipline can work and should be viewed in conjunction with reading written materials on positive discipline.

Non-physical types of discipline for children and young people (booklet)
Reasons not to hit children (article)
Physical punishment in Australia (video)

GPV/KCV commends signing the petition to have physical punishment made illegal across Australia.

GPV supports the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign

Grandmothers and grandmothers in Canada, Australia, the UK and US have rallied in response to the crisis faced by grandmothers in Africa as they struggle to raise millions of children orphaned by AIDS. Local groups are raising funds in their communities to support the life-enhancing programs run by grandmothers in Africa and the community-led organisations who support them.
GPV is pleased to support this movement, which aims to amplify the voices and expertise of grandmothers, showing the world that leadership by older women is critical in reclaiming hope and rebuilding resilience across communities.
The Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign seeks for all grandmothers:
• Access to equitable and free health care
• Protection against discrimination and violence
• Protection and enforcement of land rights
• Improved quality of life and standard of living
• Quality education for our grandchildren
• Inclusion in decision-making bodies and policy discussions as representatives of older persons, women, people living with HIV, and caregivers.
The campaign was launched in 2006 as an initiative of the Stephen Lewis Foundation and has raised more than $40 million in support of it.
There are three local Grandmothers to Grandmothers groups in Australia. They are based in:
• Emerald, Victoria
• Barrington, NSW
• Mt Claremont in WA

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GPV/KCV says The Victorian Government backflip on youth justice is shameful!

Courtesy of Mark Knight, Herald Sun

Like many other organisations, GPV/KCV has in the past urged the Victorian Government to raise they age of criminal responsibility to 14 years of age. In doing so we are mindful of the reasons why it is inappropriate to assume that the child brain is responsible in the same way as an adult brain. We have never argued that children who commit crimes should not face consequences. Rather, we argue that the consequences need to be appropriate to their young age and designed to divert them away from future offending. Further, we are embarrassed by the fact that we now lag way behind so many other countries in the world who have lifted the age of criminal responsibility.

The Victorian Government has asked us to carry a heavy burden of collective shame and embarrassment on this matter.

Dismiss ‘grannies’ as frail old biddies at your peril: they’re some of the toughest activists out there

‘Someone’s got to do it.’ Pat, 71, at an anti-racism protest in Liverpool in August 2024. Photograph: Ian Cooper/AFP/Getty Images

By Sally Feldman

Originally published online at on 20 August 2024

People still think that, once a woman is a grandmother, the rest of her life becomes irrelevant. That’s an absurdly outdated idea

“Nans against Nazis” read one large placard brandished at the recent anti-racism protests in Liverpool. It belonged to 71-year-old Pat. “Someone said to me, ‘You’re too old, don’t be doing this,’” she told the Independent.But as long as they’re here someone’s got to do it.” She’s not the only one who refuses to be invisible. As the editor of BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour for more than a decade, I became so familiar with countless stories of active, busy older women that I’ve now written a book of advice for today’s grandmothers.

I interviewed more than 100 women. Many of them were exasperated at the tired old stereotypes that either portray us as frail, ancient, hobbling, lonely old biddies, or the equally cliched antithesis: “battling grannies” or “granny heroines”. The very word “granny” has become a shorthand for “old lady”, a handy way to define us by our age and dwindling status (and it bears little relation to whether or not you actually have grandchildren).

It’s still glibly assumed that, once a woman becomes a grandmother, everything else in her life becomes irrelevant. That’s absurdly outdated.Whatever their age, many grandmothers will continue working or will lead busy, demanding lives outside their family responsibilities. The deputy prime minister, Angela Rayner, who at 44 is the youngest grandmother in parliament, doesn’t appear to see any conflict between the two roles.

Despite this, some clearly find the traditional image so ludicrous that they turn to parody. “I’m going to be a little bit more of a granny,” Joanna Lumley told the Northern Echo. “Which involves eating a lot of cake and becoming quite big. I want to have one of those housecoat overalls, a nice big one so I get a bit Demis Roussos about it.” I remember the comedian Jenny Eclair saying: “I want to be a good nana, but I’m not sure what this entails. I think it means putting protective sheeting over the good sofa, blockading the stairs and trying not to mind when they bring a truckload of plastic toys with them – what’s wrong with a simple wooden spinning top?”

According to Age UK, 40% of the country’s grandparents over the age of 50 have regularly looked after their grandchildren. But that pattern is beginning to change. The forum Gransnet teems with grandmothers who are tired of entitled offspring who expect free childcare on tap. “We often have to reschedule work commitments to fit in with grandkids’ needs, and cancel social invitations,” writes one disgruntled granny. Many grandmothers lead busy, active lives and aren’t ready to regard themselves simply as childminders. Many of those I spoke to for my book resented any suggestion that older means duller, more passive or more conservative.

This growing backlash is personified by Raging Grannies, a group of activists who campaign across North America on peace and environmental causes, challenging stereotypical views of older women and the assumption that political action is only for the young. During more than 30 years of activism, Raging Grannies have held several anti-war rallies, and in July 2005 five members of the group were charged with trespassing after they attempted to enlist at a US army recruitment centre in Tucson, Arizona. The group said they wanted to be sent to Iraq so that their children and grandchildren could come home.

They represent many grandmothers across the world who are working to make a difference. Frequently, these women are drawn to campaigning by their concern for the environment. This year, a group of older women in Switzerland won the first climate change victory in the European court of human rights, claiming that their country’s inaction on fossil fuels violated their human rights. The group of more than 2,000 women, known as the “climate grannies”, argued that because older women are more likely to die in heatwaves – which have become hotter and more common because of fossil fuels – Switzerland should do its share to stop the planet heating, and to abide by the Paris agreement target of 1.5C. The ruling demonstrated the power of older women. “We are not made to sit in a rocking chair and knit,” said one of their members, Elizabeth Stern.

They aren’t alone. Take the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, whose participants range from the Arctic to Brazil, Tibet to Mexico. Their faith is based on spiritual principles and the practice of traditional medicines. They’re deeply concerned with environmental degradation, poverty, our materialist culture and the destruction of indigenous ways of life. Crucially, they believe that the wisdom of our ancestors can “light our way through an uncertain future”.

Other groups were founded to cope with specific challenges. The Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, a cross-continental project formed in 2006, was set up in response to the crisis faced by grandmothers in African countries as they struggled to raise millions of children orphaned by Aids. The project originally brought together African and Canadian women to support and learn from each other, raising funds and creating educational programmes to support them.

The project has since raised more than $40m, and now includes grandmother groups in Canada, Australia, the UK and the US. Their work is highlighted by the US photojournalist Paola Gianturco, whose book Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon assembles an inspiring gallery of women determined to make a difference. Among her subjects are Indian grandmothers bringing solar energy and light to their villages, and Argentinian grandmothers who have searched out and returned more than 100 children kidnapped during the military dictatorship of the late 1970s.

You may not be mounting the barricades, shouting out on Instagram, organising food boycotts or suing your country, but by doing what you can to make the world better for the next generation, and filling your life (and those of your grandchildren, if you have them) with love, goodness and a commitment to ethical principles, you can still be a raging granny. Dismiss us at your peril.

GPV/KCV Meets with Minister Blandthorn

On 17 July 24 the Board of GPV/KCV met with Minister for Children Lizzie Blandthorn and Minister for Transport Infrastructure Danny Pearson.

The discussion covered a broad range of topics related to the joys and pressures of raising children up until age 11. This age range fits with the Minister’s priority to do as much as she can towards early years support for families. Specific issues discussed included: respite for kinship carers, inclusion of grandparents as support to parents to prevent children being removed, an increased subsidy to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for children on a health care card (this is a federal issue which he Minister has raised at a national level), and access to early childhood kindergarten.

Board members thanked the Ministers for the generous amount of time they spent talking through some very critical issues.

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